Friday, March 7, 2008

Second Assignment

The main character in The Cather in The Rye is Holden Caulfield. He seems to be one of the odd teens from the prep school he was kicked out of. Yet he seems like a very smart guy, liberal and kind. "I'm not going to tell you my whole goddam autobiography or anything".
He's honest yet he is "the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life", and he is straight to the point. He likes to say the interesting things he knows and also he likes to listen to the interesting things, not the boring ones, but for certain people he will listen. "I had to sit there and listen to that crap. I certainly was a dirty trick".

There is certain parts of this book where I really relate to Holden. He likes the interesting things, but if it comes down to having listen, I will. I just can't seem to lie as well as he does, I usually get caught in my lies at that precise moment, or eventually. It's amazing how mothers can tell right? haha =) This boy just seems so liberal. He says what he thinks is right, even if it's a lie, and he has said good-bye to many different places. That's one thing I can definitely relate to. I've said good-bye to al ot of people and left different places, and just like Holden, I've only accomplished to have complete closure with one place only.

If I was Holden I would see Mr. Spencer. The old man he has been close to. I would smell Vicks Nose Drops and see his "bumpy old chest.".. and his "white unhairy legs". Also I would see everyone at Pencey be the total opposite of what Pencey advertises. They are supposed to become these impeccable teens who do the right things, yet they all are the total opposite. Some are crooks, mean and I would be able to see that. I would feel like one of them but so much different. I would definitely cuss like a sailor and I wouldn't take much from anyone. What I would feel I would say and what I wanted I would do.